Friday, February 17, 2012

Global Warming

Concerning the question of 'Global Warming', you might be amused at my take on the issue. First of all, most respectable scientists accept that there was an "ice age", correct? Well, let's try to rid ourselves of any political agendas and think about this for one second. We know that flash frozen wooly mammoths were found in Siberia with undigested food in their stomachs . Whatever happened, happened very fast.  So quickly frozen were these mammoths that their meat was served as a delicacy in Russia during the 20th century, even though they had been extinct for thousands of years. Why is this fact important?

It is important because everyone should understand that "Global Cooling" was a major global disaster. Probably millions (if not billions) of animals and humans were destroyed in mere minutes. As to what happened and how, no one is sure. With that in mind, please see that global warming has been occurring exactly since the end of the cooling catastrophe, otherwise known as the "ice age".  Not before or after... it is so simple. Whatever major event that created the polar ice caps is obviously NOT occurring today. Therefore, global warming has naturally been the trend since that very moment when the extreme "cooling" stopped. Please, think about that.

Politically then, we need to ask only this: since global warming has been occurring for thousands and thousands of years, is there anything that man is doing right now to accelerate this process in a way that is harmful to Earth long-term? So, here is my thought on the matter. Quite probably, yes! I think it is very probable that carbon gasses ARE speeding the rate the earth is warming to - right now. But, here is the only question that really matters... who has any idea of how warm the Earth was BEFORE the ice age? That is the what we would absolutely have to know. Maybe, we are only accelerating to what would be considered merely a "normal" temperature since the millions of years the planet has been around before man (and, before the "ice age"). Just a thought of a puny 'carbon based' life form. Tell me what you think!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Observations on "Supernatural", a Book by Graham Hancock

I've just finished one of the most fascinating books I have ever read. I would like to summarize the author's main point and take what he discovered to another level. Many of my deepest questions concerning religion and history can now be given a somewhat intellectually satisfying answer by looking at some of the information that Graham Hancock presents in his latest non-fiction book, Supernatural.

Briefly, with this book, Mr. Hancock is trying to connect a lot of dots. As wild as it may sound, He has found common links between shamanistic cave art from thousands of years past, legends of fairies and elves and alien abduction. The common link? Hallucinations. But not just any kind of hallucination.

In the past, shamans were the community healers and spiritual guides. In many parts of the world, they still are. What I didn't know is that many of their remedies actually work and modern microbiology is puzzled at the complexity and deep understanding of the concoctions that these "primitive" doctors have obtained from the virtually unlimited combinations of varieties of plants. The shamanic practices are known to have existed all over the ancient world and, amazingly, both their methods and results are very similar today, as in the past. The troubling fact is that the visions that these spiritual guides have recorded as seeing while 'hallucinating' have eerily similar details to one another.